If you are on the fence about exhibiting or attending Powder Coating 2013 in St. Louis this October, maybe these trade show trends and know-how will help you take the leap. It is important to know that faceto- face
I recently returned from an extraordinary trip. This time, my travels took me to Nairobi, Kenya, on a mission to support the startup of a powder coating finishing line for high efficiency cookstoves. It was a privilege to
Yes, I know. After reading this headline you are likely expecting a profound and illuminating column about where our industry is going and how it is going to get there. I am writing this, however, after a mere 8
In February, DuPont’s performance coatings group was acquired by Carlyle Group and renamed Axalta Coating Systems. Powder Coated Tough had the chance to talk with Dave Lazzeri, business director at the
Well, the 2013 Powder Coating Summit is history now. Our goal was to assemble the greatest minds of the powder coating industry for a forum focused on innovation. Once again, the gang did not disappoint. More
I talk about innovation every day. It’s what we do at PCR Group. And I find that Bill O’Connor’s words ring true. There’s no doubt that we technologists invent things. As a matter of fact, a couple guys on our staff
Help us in welcoming Tonya Farmer to The Powder Coating Institute! Tonya has more than 17 years of successful experience as a meetings and events coordinator. Most recently she served as the Vice President
During our PCI® Committee meetings, chairpersons are required to read the “Do’s and Don’ts,” where we are warned not to discuss prices for fear of violating anti-trust regulations because competitors sit next to