Posted in: Membership Memo

Learn from the Experience of Others

Posted on Thursday, July 7, 2022

As a member of PCI, I largely benefit from the networking opportunities that it provides. Being on the younger side, there is a lot of catching up to do when it comes to the experience of the older generation of members in the industry. The ability to tap into PCI for their training classes, the Powder Coating Week events, and being active in the Young Professionals Group has enabled me to pick up a lot of information quickly and network with people who are active in the powder coating field. Many of the positive things I have experienced and learned in the industry have been achieved through meeting industry partners and friends at these PCI events. A recent example occurred during Powder Coating Week in Orlando, FL, this year. The Young Professionals Group held a social event during which I was able to interact with people my own age and talk about our experiences with powder coating.

I like the fact that when I am at PCI events, I get to represent my company and interact with end users and other supplier companies that are both similar and vastly different from what we do at Parker Ionics. I enjoy learning about all aspects of the powder coating process, not just what I sell to the industry.

I would encourage anyone just getting involved with PCI to get out to events and join (and participate in) committees where you have interest and/or can contribute your expertise. It really is true that to get the most out of being a PCI member, you have to take advantage of opportunities presented and get involved.

The Young Professionals Group has shown me just how important it is to get younger people involved in PCI. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of older people involved compared to the number of young people. The industry needs more young people. There are opportunities to learn everywhere, and it’s made easier through attending PCI events.

As a host company for PCI’s Powder Coating 202 Advanced workshop, I have the opportunity to see firsthand the value PCI delivers to the industry via these training programs. I see the workshops as a vital tool in promoting both the industry and the organization.

All in all, as a young person entering into the industry, I cannot think of a better way to get up to speed quickly than being a part of PCI and all the good things they do for the powder coating market.

Riley Cole is a sales representative with Parker Ionics.