Tips & Tricks

The PC Summit brings together the industry’s greatest minds in powder coating to exchange ideas on the next generation of coating technology. Once again, this exceptional program will take place at the Westin Columbus in Columbus, Ohio for the Powder Coating (PC) Summit on October 4-5, 2016. 


Posted in: Tips & Tricks

As part of our continuing series of powder coating technology nomenclature, in this installment we are presenting terms used by the people who create this unique coating—namely the formulators and manufacturing personnel.


Posted in: Tips & Tricks

Custom powder coaters face two primary alternatives when considering the sale of their business to third parties: the sale of 100 percent of their business to a strategic buyer or the sale of 60 to 80 percent of their business to a private equity firm. This decision can be complex. Thus, before beginning the process of selling, owners should gain in-depth knowledge of the value these business relationships can offer and whether a strategic purchaser or a financial partner is a better option.

First, know how each type of buyer operates and which one will enable your business to meet its objectives. Let’s examine the options:



Welcome to my inaugural column of Technically Speaking. In each issue of Powder Coated Tough, you will find me, here, offering tech service know-how to our readers. One question I often hear is: What is going to


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