Posted in: Membership Memo

Membership Memo—Observations from a Newbie

Posted on Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Circle-Prosco joined PCI a little over one year ago looking to network, build brand awareness, and demonstrate our technical capabilities with potential customers. We were not
sure what to expect but had heard good things from friends in the industry and thought we would give it a shot. After a year of membership, I offer a few of my observations.

We have all been members of organizations of one form or another, whether personal or professional. Some we hold in high regard because of the quality of the people within them, or the fruitfulness of the experiences they offer. Others not so much. It seems to me that the most impactful experiences occur when members engage in giving and receiving for mutual benefit. Beyond this, the best and most rewarding organizations share one critical element: common purpose/shared mission. I am glad to say that these qualities are strongly evident in PCI.

First and foremost, I have found PCI to be comprised of people who know powder coating. The organization is led by industry experts who bring a repository of best practices and lessons learned from decades of experience and who are driven to keep powder coating relevant in a rapidly evolving world. PCI leadership demonstrates a passion for advancing the industry, educating the next generation of coaters, and exploring the edges of the technology.

Having a meaningful vision is one thing, but executing the vision is another matter. PCI committees are organized to accomplish these key objectives. I have experienced firsthand through my participation on the education committee and the webinar working groups that stuff gets done—relevant, meaningful stuff that benefits PCI members. Meetings are consistently well run, with active participation, are concise, effective, and end on time.

I have also found the people of PCI, whether leaders, or members at large, to be competent, welcoming, and just generally fun to be around. It is a great group of people.

Finally, as a new member, I have been encouraged to get involved and been given meaningful opportunities to do so. Participating on committees, working groups, speaking at a Peer Group meeting, etc., have all been rewarding ways to contribute while learning from others and building a strong network of allies within the industry.

It’s been a great year with PCI and well worth the investment. I strongly encourage others in the industry to give PCI a try. You won’t regret it.

Jeff Blain is regional manager at Circle-Prosco, Inc.