Posted in: Membership Memo

Membership Memo—Strengthening Relationships

Posted on Monday, May 9, 2022

The delays, shortages, and price increases we are all experiencing in virtually all aspects of our lives have not been easy for any business. Nonetheless, this difficult period has taught us that being part of a close-knit and supportive community, like the Powder Coating Institute (PCI), can greatly ease these burdens.

As we wrapped up Powder Coating Week 2022 in Orlando, I am grateful to have been able to attend and for the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people in the powder industry. This was my third time participating in the event, and as a relative newcomer to the industry, each time I have learned more about the technical side of the powder coating industry, along with ways to navigate important issues within our own business. I have had the opportunity to attend the Young Professionals event held during Powder Coating Week and connect with bright and intelligent up-and-comers in the industry. Being able to share information and learn from the experiences of my peers has been both inspiring and fun.

Production Plus Corp/Magic Rack joined PCI long before I started with the company four years ago. As a PCI member company, we have benefitted from a variety of advantages and opportunities. Every event, workshop, and tabletop exhibition that we have been part of has expanded our networking horizon to include new and valuable customers, suppliers, and partnerships. Strengthening our ongoing relationships is very valuable to us and these events give us the perfect opportunity to do so. In addition, we have had the pleasure to present at PCI events, helping both members and non- members learn and understand the importance of efficient racking and providing a great platform to discuss ideas. We have even contributed educational articles to this magazine.

PCI membership offers invaluable networking opportunities that enable us to connect with other members in the powder coating industry. We get to learn from the best as well as share our expertise and experiences with them. By sharing knowledge, ideas, and thoughts we are constantly learning, and that has been one of the biggest benefits of being part of this group. I encourage those companies that are not members to join and take advantage of the many opportunities that PCI offers.

Iulia Bowshier is vice president of finance with Production Plus/ Magic Rack Corporation.