Posted in: Membership Memo

Membership Memo—PCI, a Voice Beyond Limits

Posted on Monday, March 21, 2022

One of my favorite authors, Simon Sinek, preaches that striving to be the best is very limiting and finite as once you achieve it you fight to keep it, while striving to be better is a lifestyle that suggests a path of constant improvement inviting us to contribute our talents and energies to keep us moving forward on that path.

Successful industries benefit from specialized associations whose vision lies in advancing the industry, along with the companies, professionals, and organizations, involved directly or indirectly. An association is a community with a clear objective of prosperity for all its members. At least that is the ideal definition. In my 25+ years’ experience, I have participated in various associations, in different industries, in active roles. Many are fulfilling their vision to the letter while others remain far from achieving the goals they’ve set for the industry they represent.

PCI is an exemplary and benchmark association which I have the pleasure to be part of. The professionalism of its members and leaders is the basis of a dynamic that shares the association’s vision of contributing to the industry through the development of all its members. It is motivating to participate in events and meetings where professionals representing competing companies see themselves as colleagues and focus on the benefit of the association, representing it together. The PCI spirit of maintaining an infinite vision, keeping the game moving for the benefit of all, is what allows all those who participate to feel welcome, valued in their opinions and, above all, part of the association.

I admire PCI’s steadfast approach to promoting the industry and have experienced this personally through my involvement with PCI’s efforts to expand its reach to the Spanish-speaking community. As a native Spanish speaker, I provide translation assistance for Powder Coated Tough en Español, powder coating workshop materials, and am an instructor for the Spanish-language workshops.

The value PCI brings to the industry through its various resources is a benchmark in the advancement of the powder coating industry, harmonizing art with science, to ensure balance between quality and aesthetics.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with PCI and motivated to continue contributing to its continued growth for the benefit of the powder coating community.

Pedro Castillo is managing director for Mexico and Latin America at Therma-Tron-X, Inc.