Posted in: Tips & Tricks

PC Pop Quiz

Posted on Monday, December 10, 2018

pc pop quiz pop quiz shirt

Test your powder coating knowledge interactively with others in our industry and enter for a chance to win a PCI long- or shortsleeved t-shirt!

How it works: We’ve developed questions that test your powder coating knowledge using a copy of Powder Coating: The Complete Finisher’s Handbook. PC Pop Quiz questions can be found in each issue of PCT

Put on your thinking cap and then email your answer to using the subject line “PC Pop Quiz.” All correct answers received by the deadline will be entered in a drawing to win an official PCI long- or short-sleeved t-shirt! In each subsequent issue of the magazine, the correct answer and the lucky winner’s name will be published.

pop-quiz-question nordson powder pop-quiz-winner

The question for the September/October edition of PC Pop Quiz, along with the answer is:

Q: A cure oven exhaust fan should be large enough to change the entire air volume several times per hour to remove the byproducts of cure and combustion and prevent the accumulation of fumes. Which of the powder applications below generally requires the highest exhaust rate?

A: The answer is: C. Appearance parts and light colors. These applications may require up to eight turnovers per hour (or whatever the codes require for byproducts of cure and byproducts of combustion.) If a variety of powders are run in the same oven, then operate the oven at the highest exhaust rate or batch run the parts and change the exhaust rate between batches. For more information see page 168 of the Powder Coating Handbook.

The number of respondents we get for PC Pop Quiz continues to grow. We even see a few college students have started to play! We appreciate all those who took the time to participate.

This month’s winner is: Bob Zipperer, Engineering Coordinator, Professional Plating, Inc. The t-shirt you selected is on its way.


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